
CalConnect Administrative

CC/A 0101:2001
CalConnect II — April, 2001
CalConnect Administrative


IETF CALSCH Working Group Interoperability Testing . Held Wed. April 11, 2001 — Fri. April 13, 2001 — 8:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.

This second interop test was held at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA. Stanford gratiously donated the use of their facilities and network in order to help further the movement of our standards. This interop focused on iCalendar, iTIP and iMIP. The testing matrix can be found on

The first day Pat Egen, IETF CALSCH working group co-chair introduced everyone and established the ground rules as well as let everyone know the network logistics within Stanford and to her server at


The participants were:

Products and Releases Tested


  • CorporateTime Server 6.0 Alpha

  • CorporateTime Outlook Connector 3.0

  • CorporateTime Native Client 6.0 Alpha

  • CorporateTime iMIP/iTIP Alpha Helper Application


  • Lotus Domino and Notes Release RNext


  • Calendar Server Version

CalConnect II — April, 2001

1.  General Summary

These notes are “homogenized” — in other words, names of vendors have been removed so you can’t tell who is who. Once the draft moves forward, we will post which vendor supports which component. For purposes of this document, I will call them Vendor 1, Vendor 2 and Vendor 3. I have also included a section with general notes as related by each vendor.

1.1.  Vendor 1 notes/results

Overall there was good interoperability. In general the vendors were able to interoperate. They were able to invite, reply, reschedule, and cancel to single instance meetings. There was some problems with the timezones that were used in recurrence rules, as a result only minimal testing was done with events with multiple occurrences. Finally, even though Microsoft was not there, some interoperability was done with Outlook.

Vendor 1Vendor 2Vendor 3
iTIP MethodsSendAcceptSendAcceptSendAccept
Request (Single Instance Event)yesyesyesyesyesyes
Request (Multiple Instance Event without RRULE)yesyesyesyesyesyes
Request (Multiple Instance Event with RRULE)yesyesnononoyes

NOTE  “no” indicates that a vendor was unable to support a feature due to not implementing it, bugs, or due to misinterpretation of the RFCs

a  untested

1.1.1.  Other Things That Worked

  • Vendor1 was able to invite using recurrence rules

  • Vendor2 was able to delegate

  • Vendor2 was able to send VTODOs

What did not work:

  • Vendor 2 was unable to support more than one instance on the same day

  • No one supported sending floating time events

  • Vendor 2 did not support event duration less than fifteen minutes

  • Vendor 3 did not support slash format in RDATEs

  • Vendor 2 was unable to send a response if RSVP was false (point for future discussion about meaning of RSVP)

  • Vendor 3 did not escape any of their special characters

  • Some of Vendor 2’s lines were longer than permitted in iCalendar

1.2.  Vendor 2 notes/results

iCalendar MethodVendor 2 supportedTest with Vendor 1Test with Vendor 3
Event Publishyesnot testednot tested
Event Publishyesnot testednot tested
Event Request---
New Event---
non repeatingyestestedtested
non repeatingyestestedtested
RRULE repeating no exceptionsyestestedtested
`RRULE` repeating no exceptionsyestestedtested
RRULE with EXRULEwill not createnot testednot tested
`RRULE` with `EXRULE`yesnot testednot tested
RRULE with EXDATEswill not createnot testednot tested
`RRULE` with EXDATEsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs repeating no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs repeating no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXRULEwill not createnot testednot tested
RDATEs with `EXRULE`yesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXDATEswill not createnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXDATEsyesnot testednot tested
with attachmentyesnot testednot tested
with attachmentyesnot testednot tested
non repeatingyestestednot tested
non repeatingyestested?
RRULE repeating no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
`RRULE` repeating no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
RRULE with EXRULEwill not createnot testednot tested
`RRULE` with `EXRULE`yesnot testednot tested
RRULE with EXDATEswill not createnot testednot tested
`RRULE` with EXDATEsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with no exceptionsyesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXRULEwill not createnot testednot tested
RDATEs with `EXRULE`yesnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXDATEswill not createnot testednot tested
RDATEs with EXDATEsyesnot testednot tested
with attachmentyesnot testednot tested
with attachmentyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Individual event of repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event of repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Individual event of repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event of repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Event Reply---
Non repeatingyestestedtested
Non repeatingyestestedtested
Repeating allyestestedtested
Repeating allyestestedtested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyes??
Non repeatingyes??
Repeating allyes??
Repeating allyes??
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Event Refresh Request---
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Event Counter---
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Repeating allyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Event DeclineCounteryesnot testednot tested
Event DeclineCounteryesnot testednot tested
Event Addnot supportednot testednot tested
Event Addnot supportednot testednot tested
Event Cancel---
Cancel Non repeatingyestestedtested
Cancel Non repeatingyestestedtested
Cancel Repeating allyestestedtested
Cancel Repeating allyestestedtested
Cancel Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Cancel Individual event from repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from entire repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from entire repeat setyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from individual event of RSyesnot testednot tested
Remove individual from individual event of RSyesnot testednot tested
ToDo Publishyesnot testednot tested
ToDo Publishyesnot testednot tested
ToDo Request---
New ToDo---
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
Non repeatingyesnot testednot tested
RRULE repeating no exceptionsyes
RRULE with EXRULEwill not create
RRULE with EXDATEswill not create
RDATE repeating no exceptionsyes
RDATEs with EXRULEwill not create
RDATEs with EXDATEswill not create
Non repeatingyes
Repeating allyes
Individual event of repeat setyes
ToDo Reply---
Non repeatingyes
Repeating allyes
Individual event from repeat setyes
Non repeatingyes
Repeating allyes
Individual event from repeat setyes
ToDo Addno
ToDo Cancel---
Cancel Non repeatingyes
Cancel Repeating allyes
Cancel Individual event from repeat setyes
Remove individual from non repeatingyes
Remove individual from entire repeat setyes
Remove individual from individual event of RSyes
ToDo Refresh Requestyes
ToDo Counter---
Non Repeatingyes
Repeating allyes
Individual event from repeat setyes
ToDo DeclineCounteryes
FreeBusy Publishnot yet
FreeBusy Requestnot yet
FreeBusy Replynot yet
VJournal Publishno planned support
VJournal Addno planned support
VJournal Cancelno planned support
Status Replynot yet



in this font;


in italics.

Some issues found were UID problems and then in timezone problems.

The only other interesting problem was distinguishing between removing a person and canceling. From my point of view we did not end up doing a lot of testing. I am including a table of what we support and what we tested. The table is not completed except for EVENTS

Other Issues encountered while doing iCAL testing at CalConnect2.

  1. Sent to a Bcc user via Location Doc: “Through xxxx Server/MIME format”; Person Doc: “Prefers MIME”. The Bcc user receives an invitation with all of the Typical Workflow actions. Error: S/he should only have the “Add to Calendar” action.

  2. Reschedule notices are not displaying invitee response actions.

  3. Invitations from a French Vendor 3 client are received with no subject or date/time fields.

  4. Cancellation notices being received as Updates from vendor 1. Upon opening notice, you get the correct pop-up indicating that the meeting has been cancelled and the entry is removed from the Calendar. However, the “Update Calendar” button is not hidden, and if you click on it it will recreate the entry.

  5. Cancellation of a repeating meeting from Vendor 3 doesn’t remove entries from Calendar.

  6. Custom repeats from Vendor 3 (RDATEs) only display the first date in the “Repeat Options” dialog in invitee’s Calendar entry.

1.3.  Vendor 3 Results

Comments from Vendor 3.

  1. Vendor 2 and Vendor 1 can retrieve EVENT REQUEST messages from Vendor 3 Server — But they would prefer that the Vendor 3 IMIP messages come in the “multipart/mixed” MIME format. We have included this item in our bug list.

  2. We tried to import a REPLY from the other vendors. We were able to import Vendor 2’s REPLY. However, we could not import Vendor 1’s REPLY messages. This was because they were inserting the Recurrence-ID in the event REPLY message even though it was a non-recurring VEVENT. Also, we had a bug in handling RSVP. We were saving the change in the RSVP value of the attendee, which caused a UI bug. (In our User Interface, the attendee was moved to an INFORM)

  3. Vendor 1 and 2 can receive our recurring EVENT REQUEST invitations.

  4. We can import Vendor 1 and 2’s recurring REPLY messages. However, we get the same number of e-mails as instances (i.e. 60 replies (messages) to 1 recurring event)

  5. We can import CANCEL messages from Vendor 1

  6. Vendor 2 could not import our mail messages from a Spanish or French user. — Vendor 1 can display them OK using the Eudora mail program.

  7. We can import a recurring REQUEST from Vendor 2

  8. Vendor 4 created an event. They sent two REQUEST messages, sequence=0, sequence=1, the first one sent RECURRENCE-ID, the second one did not. This is Vendor 1’s bug, and they may have fixed it.

What about others:

  1. No one implemented ADD.

  2. No one tested COUNTER or DECLINECOUNTER

The Vendor 3 team is working on fixing CalConnect-related bugs and will include the fixes in future releases.

1.4.  Chair Comments

This interop compared to the first one was a world of difference. Many many more things worked and we were able to spend more time testing elements.

While Vendor 2 shows a lot “Untested”, after reading notes, I believe many of these items were indeed tested. We have developed a new testing form that will be used on the next interop test. I know one vendor felt we had not done enough testing — I think he really wanted to prove it all works. Well, most of it did! We still have a ways to go, but for the first time, everyone feels that we have made progress and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The best part of the interop was the interactions between the attendees. That will help ongoing efforts tremendously. Everyone wants to do the next interop within the next 6-9 months. We don’t want to wait too long now that we have momentum.

By Patricia Egen