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CalConnect, Calendaring Interoperability and Calendaring Standards
1. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
1.1. Calendar
A collection of events, tasks, journal entries, etc. Examples include a person’s or group’s schedule, resource availability, and event listings.
1.2. Scheduling
The exchange of request/invitations and responses between organizers and attendees of scheduled events, tasks or journal entries.
1.3. CalConnect
The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium, consisting of vendors and user groups interested in promoting and improving calendaring and scheduling standards and interoperability.
2. Why CalConnect was established
2.1. 1995-1999
1996 Versit Consortium issued vCalendar specification
199x IETF CALSCH working group started on iCalendar specification
1998 iCalendar (RFC 2445), iTIP (RFC 2446) and iMIP (RFC 2447) became a proposed standard
199x Work began on draft for Calendaring Access Protocol (CAP)
1998 — 2000 Some interoperability testing
2.2. 2000-2004
Work on CAP — stopped
Interoperability testing — stopped
Work on iCalendar, iTIP and iMIP — stopped
IETF CALSCH working group — stopped
The draft RFCs were not ready
Too ambiguous
Too complex
Calendaring and Scheduling Vendors continued to use the RFCs as they could
Where the RFCs were inadequate vendors were forced to develop workarounds or unique extensions
Work on follow-on or related specifications was hampered by being “built on sand”
Vendors — and users — became more and more frustrated by the lack of movement in calendaring standards and interoperability
Interoperability between calendaring systems was mostly still a dream
Somewhere around 2004 things started to move again
Some vendors began moving towards alternatives to the base RFCs
Interoperability seemed less important than progressing products
Work was begun on CalDAV as a prospective standard for a calendar access protocol, recognizing that CAP was a dead end
2.3. Establishment of CalConnect
CalConnect was founded in January of 2004 to promote interoperable Calendaring and Scheduling.
The driving premise behind the Consortium is that interoperability between calendaring programs and systems is essential to achieving the promise and future growth of calendaring.
We believe that our work towards interoperability is a major factor driving the future of internet calendaring, and are actively working to involve significant players (vendors and customers) in the calendaring arena.
2.4. Why a Consortium?
A focused environment to:
Re-energize Calendaring and Scheduling
Provide a forum to discuss the direction for standards and implementations
Validate the existing standards
Provide interoperability testing between implementations and against standards
Drive requirements for changes to existing standards, new and complementary standards back into IETF, other bodies
Where necessary develop initial specifications and submit them to SDOs for progression to standards
Promote standards and technologies to the vendor and user communities
3. Overview of CalConnect
3.1. What is CalConnect?
A Partnership between Calendaring Scheduling Vendors and Customers
To provide a general understanding of, promote, and provide mechanisms so that Calendaring and Scheduling methodologies, tools and applications can enter the mainstream of computing
Not a standards development organization (SDO)
Develop use cases, requirements, papers, specs
Promote development and adoption of standards
Introduce specifications into SDOs for progression
Influence SDOs and vendors
3.2. The Vision
Our vision of the future is not only interoperable calendaring, but ubiquitous interoperable calendaring. Calendaring should—and can—be as ubiquitous as electronic mail.
— Dave Thewlis, CalConnect Executive Director
Being able to schedule meetings with my work group is important. But being able to schedule an appointment with my hairdresser could change the world.
— Pamela Taylor, CalConnect Board Member
3.3. CalConnect Members
3.3.1. Institutional Members
Apple Inc.
California State University, Fresno
Carnegie Mellon
Duke University1
Kerio Technology
MailSite Software
Mozilla Foundation1
New York University
Open Connector Groupware
Oracle Corporation1
Open Source Applications Foundation1
Princeton University OIT
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)
Sony Ericsson
Stanford University1
Sun Microsystems
Trumba Corp
University of California, Berkeley1
University of Chicago
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
University of Washington1
University of Wisconsin, Madison1
3.3.2. Individual Members
Patricia R. Egen
3.4. CalConnect
What we do:
Promote Calendaring & Scheduling (C&S)
Help drive the evolution of open standards for Calendaring Scheduling
Conduct interoperability testing
Develop a shared vision for C&S community
How we do it:
All members have same rights & privileges
Collegial, consensus environment
Completed work products are published
Non-member organizations may attend one Roundtable as Observers
Member may have unlimited participants
Any member may propose new TC, provide Chair
3.5. How CalConnect Works
All members have same rights & privileges
Collegial, consensus environment
Completed work products are published
Non-member organizations may attend one Roundtable as Observers
Member may have as many representatives involved as it wishes
3.6. Technical Committees
3.6.1. Membership
TC participants from member organizations
3.6.2. Operations
Determined by TC Chair and TC membership
TC Chair provides regular status to Steering Committee
3.6.3. Governance
Any Consortium member may propose new work
Charter, scope and deliverables identified in the proposal
Chair confirmed by SC
Committee terminates when chartered work is complete
3.6.4. Operational policies
In-progress work confidential to Consortium members only
Completed work published and freely available on Consortium web site
No proprietary information discussed
Management committee for TCs
Composed of Chairs of all TCs
Weekly conference calls
Ongoing TC coordination on behalf of Steering Committee
Approves document publication following last call process
Chair of TC CHAIRS participates in Steering Committee
3.8. Steering Committee
3.8.1. Membership
Founding Members plus first member from each membership category
3.8.2. Operations
Monthly teleconference
Meetings at Roundtables or other activities if needed
3.8.3. Governance
Chair chosen by Steering Committee members
Chair participates in Board of Directors meetings
3.8.4. Activities
Overall technical direction
Management of Technical Committees via TC CHAIRS committee
Consortium program elements
Advice to the Board of Directors
3.9. Why Get Involved in CalConnect
Help shape the evolution of calendaring and scheduling specifications, standards and products
Develop real-world use cases and requirements
Make sure needs are considered
Work directly with developers/major customers
Help drive the calendaring community towards interoperability
Member may have as many representatives as desired in Consortium Activities
3.10. Membership
3.10.1. Eligibility
Any company, institution or individual who:
supports the goals of the Consortium
agrees to abide by its rules
submits the proper membership application
pays the appropriate membership fee
3.10.2. Fees
Published on the Consortium web site
Based on membership category
Due annually upon anniversary of joining the Consortium
3.10.3. Categories
Commercial Vendor
>$100 million annual revenue
$10-100 million annual revenue
>$10 million annual revenue
Customer Organizations/Companies
Non-Profit Organizations
Open Source Organizations
Academic Institutions
Standards Setting Organizations
3.11. Organizational Structure
Figure 1 — Organizational structure
3.12. Events
Interops (Interoperability Testing)
Open to members and non-members
Two day event usually co-located with Roundtable
Results published to relevant standards development organizations
Public reports are “sanitized”
“All hands” plenary meeting of membership
Three per year, midway between IETF meetings
Held in conjunction with Interops
Technical committee working meetings
Steering Committee meeting
Review and status of technical committees
Open or invitational depending on goal & topic
May involve non-Consortium members and liaisons
Co-hosted with Roundtable or independent event
Calendaring & Scheduling Public Conference
Under evaluation
Would offer technology and product overviews, tutorials and classes, demonstrations and vendor offerings
3.13. Current Technical Committees
3.13.1. CALDAV
Define problems CalConnect wishes to solve with extensions to WebDAV; assist IETF with development of CalDAV Specification
3.13.2. EVENTPUB
Define event publishing establish differences from regular calendaring and scheduling
3.13.3. FREEBUSY
Develop and conduct Federated Free/Busy Challenge Response; review Free/Busy related proposals
3.13.4. IOPTEST
Support interoperability testing for all technical committees, develop test suites reference implementation, publish Interop results
3.13.5. MOBILE
Define issues for mobile support of standards-based Calendaring and recommend extensions to standards for mobile support
3.13.6. REALTIME
Clarify issues involved with realtime server-to-server calendaring and scheduling issues provide recommendations
3.13.7. TIMEZONE
Develop proposals for a formal, authoritative Timezone Registry and a Timezone Service Protocol
3.13.8. USECASE
Develop sets of real world use cases that can be used to validate identified functionality testing scenarios for existing future C implementations
4. The Current State of Calendaring Standards
4.1. Calendaring Standards Today
4.1.1. IETF CALSCH Working Group
Developed RFCs 2445/6/7Shut down in 2004 at same time as CAP removed from table
4.1.2. Original CAP (Calendar Access Protocol)
Assigned “experimental draft” status by IETF in 2004 (effectively removed from program of work in IETF)
4.1.3. vCalendar
Still in use especially in mobile calendaring, travel industry websitesNot fully compatible with iCalendar (e.g. recurrence); encourage move to iCalendar
4.1.4. vCard
Not precisely “calendaring” — but contacts/address book central to calendaring
Current version 3.0 needs work
Mobile calendaring mostly obsolete vCard 2.1
4.1.5. IETF “CALSIFY” Working Group
Simplify (rationalize) RFCs 2445/6/7
4.1.6. RFCs 2445/6/7 (iCalendar, iTIP, iMIP)
Target of initial CalConnect work products
All have revised drafts underway
Expect publication of revised RFCs in 2008
Still require interoperability demonstration to progress to Draft Standards (i.e. CalConnect)
4.1.7. CalDAV
“Calendaring Extensions to WebDAV” published as Proposed Standard, RFC 4791
“Scheduling Extensions to CalDAV” is under review for submission
Several CalDAV implementations today
Apple iCal Server (Darwin Calendar Server)
Kerio Technologies (Kerio MailServer)
Marware (Project X Client)
Mozilla Lightning & Sunbird (CalDAV client)
Mulberry (Client)
Oracle Calendar
OSAF Cosmo (Chandler Project)
4.1.8. iCalendar Extensions
Proposed extensions (additions) to the revised iCalendar when it is complete
New iCalendar component allowing publication of available and unavailable time periods associated with calendar user
New iCalendar component allowing the specification of structured location data for publishing event information
4.1.9. EVENTMAP protocol
Identifies location on website of structured event information for use by event publication aggregators
5. CalConnect Activities and Accomplishments
5.1.1. Charter
Begin: October 2004
Define problems CalConnect wishes to resolve with CalDAV Extensions to WebDAV
Assist IETF with CalDAV Specifications
5.1.2. Projects, Topics
Act as “real world” input to CalDAV Specification authors (two of three are members of TC CALDAV)
Develop CalDAV testing matrices for TC IOPTEST
Develop use cases and requirements for CalDAV Scheduling
CalDAV scheduling extensions (discovery, auth/auth, etc.)
5.1.3. Products
CalDAV testing matrices for Interoperability testing
CalDAV Use Cases and Requirements
CalDAV Scheduling Requirements
VAVAILABILITY extension to iCalendar
5.2.1. Charter
Begin: March 2005
Define Event Publication and distinguish from regular calendaring
Determine requirements for event publication not met by existing specifications and propose remedies
5.2.2. Projects, Topics
Review of possible extensions to iCalendar to support event publication and venue information
Develop mechanism for event “crawlers” to find and consume event information on websites, analogous to “sitemap”
5.2.3. Products
VVENUE extension to iCalendar
EVENTMAP proposal under development
5.3.1. Charter
Begin: May 2006
Act as CalConnect Liaison with The Open Group for the Federated Freebusy Challenge in 2006
Inform the work of CALDAV, REALTIME, and other TCs
Participate in drafting the final report for The Open Group
5.3.2. Projects, topics
Demo-ed a Federated Freebusy Aggregator at The Open Group meeting in July 2006
Assist Boeing to “productize” components used in the demo as well as those being further developed by Boeing
Addressing “office hours”/“availability” — joint VAVAILABILITY project with TC CALDAV
Standardize and simplify FREEBUSY URL
5.4.1. Charter
Begin: October 2004
Conduct CalConnect Interoperability Test Events and publish results
5.4.2. Projects, topics
CalConnect Interoperability Test Events scheduled with each Consortium event week (i.e. together with Roundtables)
5.4.3. Products
Public and CalConnect-internal IOP test event reports
5.5.1. Charter
Begin: September 2005
Identify issues related to mobile calendaring and scheduling and develop recommendations to address
5.5.2. Projects, topics
Determine mobile calendaring issues and problems
Survey mobile users about calendaring
Evaluate continued reliance on vCalendar and develop ways to move vendors forward
Develop Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Suite
Implement Mobile IOP Test Events (with TC IOPTEST)
Define Mobile Calendaring issues for CalDAV
5.5.3. Products
Report on Mobile Calendaring Questionnaires
Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Suite
Benefits of iCalendar for the Mobile Industry
5.6.1. Charter
Begin: June 2007
Identify issues related realtime server-server scheduling and make recommendations to address
5.6.2. Projects, topics
Discovery, Authentication and Authorization
iTIP evaluation and extensions
5.7.1. Charter
Begin: October 2004 (completed February 2006)
Identify problems with Recurrences in iCalendar
Make recommendations to IETF CALSIFY effort (revision of RFC 2445 iCalendar)
5.7.2. Projects, topics
Questionnaires to determine problems with recurrence in implementations of iCalendar
Develop problem statement and recommendations
5.7.3. Products
Results from Recurrence Questionnaire
iCalendar Recurrence Problems and Recommendations
5.8. TC TIMEZONE (Phase 1)
5.8.1. Charter
Begin: October 2004 (completed February 2006)
Identify problems with timezone usage in iCalendar and timezone support in genera
5.8.2. Projects, topics
Conduct survey on problems with timezone management
Develop problem statements and recommendations for IETF CALSIFY effort for iCalendar
5.8.3. Products
Timezone Questionnaire
Report on Timezone Questionnaire
Timezone Problems and Recommendations
Timezone Registry and Service Recommendations
5.9. TC TIMEZONE (Phase 2)
5.9.1. Charter
Begin: May 2007
Continue work of TC TIMEZONE by developing formal proposals based on Timezone Registry and Service Recommendations
5.9.2. Projects, topics
Develop proposal for formal, authoritative Timezone Registry for submission to IETF to be published as an RFC
Develop requirements for Timezone Registry Service
Develop proposals for Timezone Registry Service implementations using current protocols
5.10.1. Charter
Begin: October 2004
Develop use cases for calendaring and scheduling and their contextual environments
Establish the ways that users actually want to use calendaring environments
Establish “Minimum Interoperable Subsets” (the minimum set of functions which must be interoperable to make an implementation useful to a customer)
5.10.2. Projects, topics
Assessment of access control in existing calendaring implementations for TC CALDAV
Develop Min-IOP use cases for Resources
5.10.3. Products
Min-IOP Use Cases for iCalendar
CalDAV Use Cases (with TC CALDAV)
Min-IOP Use Cases for Tasks
Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms
Min-IOP Use Cases for Resources
5.11. DST AD HOC
5.11.1. Charter
Begin: June 2005
Establish CalConnect position on Extended Daylight Savings Time Proposal by U.S. Congress
Continue DST Advisory Work
5.11.2. Projects, topics
Develop CalConnect position on EDST and communicate to U.S. Congress prior to enactment of law
Develop guidance for industry on planning for and implementing EDST Changes in March and October
Work with TC TIMEZONE on recommendations on future of timezone and DST support
5.11.3. Products
Extended Daylight Savings Time Advisory
Extended Daylight Savings Time Review and Considerations
EDST Links, Advisories and Changes
CalConnect Reflections and Recommendations
5.12. vCard Ad Hoc
5.12.1. Charter
Begin: January 2007
Determine interest in and support for revision of vCard standard
5.12.2. Projects, topics
vCard Workshop planning and implementation
Liaisons with OMA/DS on interest in vCard Revision
Identify products of vCard Technical Committee
Develop charter for vCard Technical Committee in support of IETF working group on vCard revision
Recommendation on establishment of vCard TC
5.12.3. Products
vCard Workshop (September 2007)
Draft Charter for vCard Technical Committee
5.13. XML Ad Hoc
5.13.1. Charter
Begin: May 2007
Plan for and explore XML representations of iCalendar
Determine need for XML Technical Committee
5.13.2. Projects, topics
Conduct BOFs to determine level of support for roundtrip iCalendar/XML
Review prior art in this are
Develop charter for XML Technical Committee
Identify potential products of XML TC
Recommendation for establishment of XML TC
5.13.3. Products
Draft charter for XML Technical Committee
6. Summary: New and Proposed Work
6.1. New Activities
Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Suite
Planning for Mobile Calendaring Interoperability Test Events
Min-IOP Use Cases for Resources
Expansion of IOP Testing areas
CalDAV Scheduling
Formal Timezone Registry and Timezone Registry Service proposals
VAVAILABILITY (“Office Hours”)
EVENTMAP protocol
Event Sharing between servers
Automated Scheduling Updates (CalDAV)
External Attachments (CalDAV)
vCard Revision
XML iCalendar Representations
REALTIME issues for iTIP and scheduling
Authentication/Authorization/Access Control
Diverse calendaring specifications tools (CalATOM, RSS/SSE, microformats, CalDAV, proprietary calendaring systems)
Develop and publish guide and comparison
Work towards ensuring interoperability and synergy between various tools and specs
7. More Info
Contact us:
For more information:
Dave Thewlis, Executive Director
The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium
4390 Chaffin Lane
McKinleyville, CA 95519-8028
Voice: +1 707 840 9391
FAX: +1 415 946 3454
Mobile: +1 707 498 2238
[1] CalConnect Web Site,
[2] CalConnect Published Documents, (Questionnaires, Recommendations, Use Cases and Requirements, Mobile Interoperability Test Suite, Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms, Event Reports, vCard Workshop Report)
[3] CalConnect Calendaring Standards,
[4] CalConnect Presentations,
[5] CalConnect DST Documents,