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CalConnect Technical Preview - Roundtable XI
1. Note Well
This presentation is derived from the Technology Preview material
Names and some technical details have been removed in accordance with CalConnect rules involving in-progress work
This is a public document and may be quoted and distributed in accordance with CalConnect policies
2. Introduction
CalConnect members have produced a Technical Demonstration of key calendaring and scheduling technologies being developed by CalConnect.
This serves as a technology “preview” only and does not in any way represent final protocols or products that may or may not ship.
This is a follow-up to the demo at Roundtable X (September 2007).
Our goal is to solicit feedback from members and invited guests on the presentation itself as well as the technologies being demonstrated.
We also hope to show how CalConnect is successfully achieving its goal of improving calendaring and scheduling standards.
3. Agenda
Today we will demonstrate:
CalDAV Scheduling
Realtime Internet Scheduling
Internet freebusy lookups using freebusy URLs
Each presentation will consist of:
Introductory slides
Live demonstration
4. Technologies
CalDAV Scheduling:
The CalDAV access protocol (RFC4791) is based on WebDAV and iCalendar standards
In the CalDAV scheduling specification (still a draft), users on the same server system only schedule with each other
There are several server and client implementations available
Realtime Internet Scheduling:
Allows scheduling between users on different server systems (e.g. between organizations)
The protocol uses HTTP to transport iCalendar scheduling messages
We will be demonstrating the basic exchange of scheduling messages
The security and discovery pieces are still to do (TC-REALTIME)
Freebusy URL:
This is a way to do simple exchange and publishing of freebusy information
TC-FREEBUSY is working on a specification
It uses simple HTTP GET/PUT operations with discoverability
5. CalDAV Scheduling
How it works:
Several users on one CalDAV server (can be using different clients) schedule with each other
One user is the “Organizer”, others are “Attendees”
One is the Organizer, others are Attendees. Each stores their calendars on the Server.
There are two parts to scheduling:
Freebusy lookup
Sending invitations and receiving replies
Freebusy results are returned immediately.
Invitation replies are sent only after users inspect and accept or decline.
Each user has an “Outbox” and an “Inbox”. The “Outbox” is used to trigger freebusy lookup or send invites or replies. The “Inbox” is where invites or replies are delivered. Clients monitor the “Inbox” for incoming scheduling messages.
Organizer sends freebusy request to server
Server calculates freebusy data for attendees
Server returns aggregated freebusy data to organizer
Organizer sees freebusy for everyone
Can adjust meeting time to avoid conflicts
Figure 1 — Sequence of diagrams showing free-busy lookup
Organizer sends invite request to server
Server copies the request into attendees' Inbox
Attendee checks the server
Attendee retrieves the invite from the server
Attendee replies to the server
Server copies the reply into organizer’s Inbox
Organizer checks the server
Organizer retrieves the reply from the server
Figure 2 — Sequence of diagrams showing invitations being sent out, replies returned.
5.1. Demonstration #1 — Simple meeting between two people
Figure 3 — Demo Participants
6. Realtime Internet Scheduling — How it works
6.1. Basic Concept
Provides the ability for users on different calendaring systems to schedule meetings with each other
Instantaneous freebusy lookups
Invites, replies sent as “messages” with delivery status immediately returned
Figure 5 — Organizer and Attendees on different systems
6.2. Can’t this be done today?
But I can do scheduling with my colleagues today!
True, but only people on the same server as you, or via some other communication process such as email or telephone.
Organizer sends freebusy request to server
Server forwards request to other attendee’s servers
Attendees' servers return freebusy
Server returns aggregated freebusy data to organizer
Organizer sees freebusy for everyone
Can adjust meeting time to avoid conflicts
Figure 6 — Sequence of diagrams showing freebusy
Organizer sends invite request to server
Server forwards request to other attendee’s servers
Organizer gets delivery status response
Attendee checks the server
Attendee retrieves the invite from the server
Attendee sends reply to server
Server forwards reply to other organizer’s server
Attendee gets delivery status response
Organizer checks the server
Organizer retrieves the reply from the server
Figure 7 — Sequence of diagrams showing invites and replies
6.3. Demonstration — Four calendar users in different domains
Figure 8 — Realtime Demo Setup
7. Freebusy URL
7.1. What is Freebusy?
A list of free and busy periods for a particular calendar user or resource. Primarily used for scheduling resources or meetings with other people.
Time periods may be marked as
busy unavailable (“out of office”)
7.2. Expressing Freebusy time
Most commonly as a RFC 2445 VFREEBUSY object
a request for freebusy time,
a response to a request, or
a published set of busy time
7.3. Sharing Freebusy
CalDAV Scheduling
iTIP/iMIP (email)
iCalendar .ics file
Freebusy URL (FBURL)
7.4. Why FBURL?
Freebusy is “least common denominator” (LCD) scheduling
FBURL is LCD Freebusy (or could be)
Outlook supports a form of FBURL
The market says FBURL is desirable and useful,,,,
Potentially bridge the divide between enterprise calendaring and
calendar/scheduling augmenters
standalone calendaring clients (no server)
7.5. What we have done
Parameters -URI template
Error reporting within the HTTP protocol
Allow for non-authenticated or weakly authenticated service
Keep it simple (in its simplest form)
Outlook compatibility
provide a grouping of available time information over a specific range of time.
7.6. How it works
The “Read URL” is used to get freebusy data for a user
returns VFREEBUSY object
The “Publish URL” is used by a client to upload freebusy data for a user
7.7. What we will show you
Basic form FBURL
lookups — no publishing
Accessing multiple servers from the same clients
Comparison with server-server lookups
7.8. Demonstration #1 — Several clients retrieving freebusy information
Figure 9 — Freebusy Demo #1 Setup
7.9. Demonstration #2 — Project management aided by freebusy information
Figure 10 — Freebusy Demo #2 Setup
7.10. Wrap-up
We have demonstrated how progress is being made with key scheduling technologies
As with a lot of CalConnect work this is a very interactive process with specifications and implementations being worked on together
This ultimately provides for a better specification and interoperability
7.11. CalDAV Scheduling
Work still needs to be done to fine tune CalDAV scheduling
Ongoing discussions in TC-CALDAV center around moving most of the scheduling message processing to the server for better reliability
Hope to complete this by mid-2008
7.12. Realtime Internet Scheduling
Demonstrated basic scheduling message processing
Key elements of Realtime Internet Scheduling still need to be developed:
Discovery (working on DNS-SD implementation right now)
Security — need input from security experts as to what model(s) to use
Hope to complete this by end of 2008
7.13. Freebusy URL
Freebusy is LCD scheduling
Freebusy is soft-core calendaring
It is what we settle for, not what we want
But…Free/Busy is very, very useful
CalConnect will continue to develop FBURL