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All documents included in the zip file for Meet CalConnect 2008 are considered part of CD 0812 and the public disclaimer included by reference above applies to all contents of the file.
Presentation locations:
November 7: Prague, Czech Republic
November 10: London, United Kingdom
An Introduction to The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium
1. Agenda
Introduction to CalConnect
Dave Thewlis, Executive Director, CalConnect
Interoperability Testing and Standards Development
Patricia Egen, Interoperability Test Event Manager
CalConnect Technical Committees
TC MOBILE — Chris Dudding, Symbian
TC iSCHEDULE — Mattias Amnefelt, Stockholm University
CalConnect and Open Source
Gary Schwartz, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
CalConnect from a Member Perspective
Gary Schwartz, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Tomáš Hnétila, Kerio Technologies
Mattias Amnefelt, Stockholm University
General Question & Answer Session
2. The Presenters
Mattias Amnefelt
Affiliation: Stockholm University
iSchedule Technical Committee
Chris Dudding
Affiliation: Symbian
Chair, Mobile Technical Committee
Patricia Egen
Affiliation: Patricia Egen Consulting
CalConnect Interoperability Test Event Manager
Tomáš Hnétila
Affiliation: Kerio Technologies
Gary Schwartz
Affiliation: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Chair, Freebusy Technical Committee
Dave Thewlis
CalConnect Executive Director
3. Questions
You may ask questions at any time
During a presentation
At the end of a presentation
At the General Question and Answer Session
The Presenter may ask you to defer your question to later
If you have a question we don’t answer
E-mail it to the appropriate presenter or to Dave Thewlis
We’ll get you an answer