
CalConnect Administrative

CC/A 1002:2010
February 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Report
Patricia EgenAuthor Gordon ConnellyAuthor Cyrus DabooAuthor Libor GrafnetrAuthor Ciny JoyAuthor Arnaud QuillaudAuthor
CalConnect Administrative


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The February CalConnect interoperability testing event was held at the UC Irvine campus in Orange County, California. Participants of the testing event used predetermined test scenarios. The EMClient group participated remotely from the Czech Republic. We utilized our CalConnect Jabber room and Wiki to enable the remote participation.

The documents used in this testing event were the testing matrix for RFC4791 and in addition sync reports. Summaries and specific findings and issues found are noted in this document.

A small amount of initial CardDAV testing was done this event as well. Not everyone supports this protocol yet, but those that did performed some testing.


Table 1 — Participants

OrganizationParticipantsVersions Tested
AppleCyrus DabooiCal Server and client — OS X 10.6.1
Apple iCal 4.0 (SnowLeopard)
EMClientLibor GrafnetreMClient Caldav Client
PeopleCubeKellie Hunter
Gordon Connelly
Meetingmaker V8.8
SunChiu Chau
Arnaud Quillaud
Sun Java Calendar Server 7
Binary TreeCameron StillionObserver
CalConnect Reps
Interop Manager
Pat Egen
Dave Thewlis

February 2010 CalConnect Interoperability Test Report

1.  General Comments and Findings

Several servers tested against two CALDAV clients. In addition, there was CARDDAV client/server implementations tested as well.

The focus of the CALDAV testing this session was WEBDAV sync reports The sync collection reports testing used the draft-daboo-webdav-sync-02 document as the key driver. Since this is the first time we are testing the sync reports, several issues were found and fixed.

The following URL was provided to show the specific specification for delegates currently supported by Apple and Oracle :

CardDAV testing concentrated on client interoperability with other servers. Several issues were fixed.

Some problems noted were:

  • Problems with URL encoding in WebDAV responses or requests

    • problem with the interpretation of the “+” (plus) and ” ” (space) characters in collection names. The problem was fixed during the interop event.

  • Complex vCards not accepted by a CardDAV server or properties were lost — Specifically there was a problem with more than 3 TEL properties specified, which was rejected by a server.

  • Also TEL properties containing text were silently dropped. Several servers seemed to accept these vCards just fine.

Missing implementation of ACL reports required by the standard

Overall the servers seemed to lack support for various ACL REPORTs or properties. The specific set varied from server to server. This could be attributed to the lack of support for these features from the clients and the fact that most servers support only subset of the WebDAV ACL specification that is required for interoperability with the Apple iCal client.

Testing in general found these issues:

  1. Making multiple modifications to different instances of recurring patterns produced duplicate entries

  2. Modifying recurring patterns when instances fall on a weekend are moved to the closest week day cause disconnect.

  3. Cross server guest invitations could not be sent through third party clients.

  4. Cross server delegate/proxy access issues.

  5. Problems sending events.

CalDAV Sync testing issues noted:

  • SCHEDULE-STATUS on ORGANIZER‘s copy is lost when attendee copy is updated as a consequence of a small change from organizer

  • RSVP not RESET on ATTENDEEs copy when ORGANIZER is sending an update with same PARTSTAT but with RSVP=TRUE

  • RSVP not removed from ATTENDEE in the following scenario:

  • ORG invites ATTENDEE — ATTENDEE declines — ORG Sends an update with


Some CardDAV testing found that OPTION or PROPFIND on /davserver/dav/principals/ returns 404

The following matrices show some observations for CALDAV, CARDDAV and sync reports.

Table 2 — CALDAV Testing Matrix

Event creation.

Create new single-instance meeting titled “Meeting 1.4” with an alarm set to trigger 15 minutes prior to the schedule time of the meeting.

resolve lastack change for recurring

Event retrieval

calendar-query REPORT

used calendar-query for filtering by component type, but abandoned it since some servers impose item limits → back to propfind.

Free Busy Reports

Create a new calendar and populate it with the following for one week:

Event on Monday, 9 am — 11 am, recurs every day for five times
Event on Monday, 12 pm — 1 pm, status tentative
Event on Monday, 2 pm — 3 pm, status cancelled
Event on Tuesday, 11 am — 12 pm
Event on Tuesday, 2 pm — 4 pm, recurs every day for four times
Event on Tuesday, 3 pm — 5 pm
Event on Wednesday, 11 am — 12 pm, status tentative
Event on Wednesday, 3 pm — 5 pm, status tentative
Event on Thursday, 11 am — 12 pm, status cancelled
Event on Thursday, 3 pm — 5 pm, status cancelled

Freebusy only through freebusy URLs at the moment






Not supported

Table 3 — CARDDAV Testing Matrix

Card creation.

Create a new Card called “Card.1.1” with the fullname “James Brown”

Card modification

Add a City State to “Card.1.1” — “Cupertino, CA”

Modify the full name of “Card.1.1” to “James D. Brown”.

Card retrieval

Perform a nickname lookup for “JamesD”

Perform a full name lookup for “James D. Brown”

Perform an email lookup for “

Query server for an addressbook report

Create an addressbook query report

Perform a multi-get report for “…​…​.” (fill in what we should do here)

use multi-get report for address-book data property

Card deletion

Delete the card for “James D. Brown”






Not supported

Table 4 — Sync Collection Matrix

Synchronize existing collection containing an event


Resynchronize the same collection if no changes occurred


Create an event in the collection, resynchronize

  • server responded with sync-response element containing “201 Created” status for the item that was created by the client (draft -02)

  • server responded with response element without a status (draft -03)

Create an event in the collection from other client, resynchronize


Create an event in the collection, delete it from other client, resynchronize

  • the server MUST respond with 404 status for the item that was deleted from the other client

Create a collection with several events, delete it and recreate it from other client, resynchronize

  • server responded by sending multistatus response with 404 statuses for all previously existing resources

  • server invalidated the synchronization token and refused the resynchronization request with 4xx error and valid-sync-token precondition







Not supported

2.  Summary

As we continue CalDAV testing, there is more and more evidence of improved functionality. This session focused on sync reports. Additional CardDAV testing occurred. The remote participation by one vendor appeared to work well. It is not a good substitute for in-person testing, but it was very helpful to the group.

Our thanks to all participants and contributors to this document.

Respectfully submitted by Pat Egen, CalConnect Interop Manager.