The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (“CalConnect”) is a global non-profit organization with the aim to facilitate interoperability of technologies across user-centric systems and applications.
CalConnect works closely with liaison partners including international organizations such as ISO, OASIS and M3AAWG.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the CalConnect Directives.
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee IOPTEST.
Report on Interoperability Test Event XXX, May 19-21, 2014
1. Report
The interoperability test event at CalConnect XXX, hosted by AOL in Dulles, Virginia took place on Monday May 19 through Wednesday noon May 21.
There were 8 members and one non-member participating onsite represented by 12 individuals. In addition two members participated remotely. Participating organizations and primary testing interests were:
1and1 — basic CalDAV testing
AOL — Calendar sharing, basic caldav and carddav
Apple — iCloud, iCal Client, Calendar Server — VPOLL and iSchedule
BusyMac — CardDAV Sharing, SCHEDULE-AGENT=CLIENT, General CalDAV and
CardDAV client compatibility testing with multiple servers
CMU — VPOLL and iSchedule
fruux — SabreDAV
Marten Gajda — CalDAVSync and CardDAVsyncGeneral CalDAV CardDAV, service discovery
Mozilla — Firefox OS/CalDAV basic features for laptop and phone
Ribose (remote)
RPI — Bedework iSchedule and VPOLL
Zimbra (remote)
Once again there was the usual testing of basic CalDAV features. Some client applications are developing CalDAV support and there are newer server implementations that need to test. Most errors found are minor and were generally fixed during testing.
Three of the server implementations (Apple, CMU and RPI/Bedework) worked on setting up a demonstration of a combination of VPOLL, iSchedule and jCal. All used a javascript client which communicates with the server using CalDAV and the new jCal calendar representation. Each server communicated with the other server(s) via iSchedule. There were changes to all servers as a result and there was a successful demonstration of all 3 servers working together as part of the TC FREEBUSY session on Thursday.
Some of the later features of DAV and CalDAV were tested:
Sharing — more clients and servers are developing support for this feature. Issues such as the interaction with supported component sets were discovered and fixed. There has been more interest lately in address-book sharing and there was some testing in this area
Synch — more testing of this feature as clients and servers add support
Scheduling — general testing of this — some servers and clients are adding support
The testing was fairly intensive after the initial pairing off of clients and servers. Once again the result is enhanced interoperability across many systems.
Many thanks to AOL for hosting this event. The configuration of the room and networks was trouble-free allowing all participants to make an immediate start.
Mike Douglass, CalConnect Interoperability Test Manager