The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (“CalConnect”) is a global non-profit organization with the aim to facilitate interoperability of technologies across user-centric systems and applications.
CalConnect works closely with liaison partners including international organizations such as ISO, OASIS and M3AAWG.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described in the CalConnect Directives.
In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the CalConnect Directives.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CalConnect shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the CalConnect list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement.
This document was prepared by Technical Committee CALCONNECT.
CalConnect XLVI took place October 7-10, 2019, hosted by Fastmail in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The conference was held on Fastmail’s premises, and was attended by a total of 10 people from 7 member organizations, plus 7 attendees to joint virtual working group sessions with the IETF CALEXT working group and with ISO/TC 154/ WG 5. attendees. The Conference focused on strategic and possible work items in addition to ongoing work, and finished with the CalConnect Plenary Session on Thursday. The schedule was rearranged during the week based on input from participants. The final pre-event Conference agenda with notes on the discussion topics may be found at CalConnect XLVI Conference Schedule.
Report on CalConnect Conference XLVI, October 7-10 2019
1. Status of Documents since Last Conference
This is the status of documents as of June 2019 as more recent information was not available when this report was prepared. There are no substantial changes at this point.
Specifications in progress and not yet published are generally resident on GitHub either in our public or private areas.
1.1. Documents at CalConnect
1.1.1. Published
CC/DIR 1005:2019 Guidelines for the implementation of the CalConnect Patent Policy
CC/R 18003:2019 Calendar operator practices — Guidelines to protect against calendar abuse (TC CALSPAM)
CC/DIR 10001:2019 CalConnect Directive: Standardization and publication
CC/DIR 10002:2019 CalConnect Directive: Standard document requirements
CC/DIR 10003:2018 CalConnect Directive: Patent policy
1.1.2. Committee Drafts
CC/CD 51003 Series in iCalendar
CC/CD 51004 iCalendar Relationships
CC/CD 51005 Calendar Subscription Upgrades
CC/CD 51006 Consensus scheduling — iCalendar vPoll component
1.2. Documents at ISO
ISO/CC 19160-1 “Addressing — Digital addresses” in working draft at ISO/TC 211
ISO/CC 34000 “Date and time — Concepts and vocabulary” is under NWIP
1.3. Documents at the IETF
1.3.1. Published as Informational RFC
CalDAV Managed Attachments RFC 8607
1.3.2. Drafts in Final Review
Event Publishing Extensions to iCalendar (TC CALENDAR)
1.3.3. Drafts in CALEXT Working Group Last Call
Improved Support for iCalendar Relationships (TC CALENDAR
JSCalendar: A JSON representation of Calendar data
1.3.4. Assigned to CALEXT WG
CalDAV extension for scheduling controls
VLARM Extensions for iCalendar
Calendar Subscription Upgrades
1.3.5. Pending Assignment to CALEXT WG
VPOLL: Consensus Scheduling Component for iCalendar
Support for Series in iCalendar
2. CalConnect Liaisons as of October 2019
CalConnect has formal reciprocal membership liaisons with M3AAWG and OASIS, a strong working relationship with the IETF, and an External Cooperation Agreement with the ITU-T.
CalConnect has established formal Category A Liaisons with the following ISO Committees:
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 27 IT Security Techniques
ISO/PC 317 Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services
ISO/TC 37 Language and terminology
ISO/TC 37/SC 4 Language resource management
ISO/TC 37/SC 5 Translation, interpreting and related technology
ISO/TC 46 Information and documentation
ISO/TC 46/SC 4 Technical interoperability
ISO/TC 46/SC 9 Identification and description
ISO/TC 154 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration
ISO/TC 211 Geographic information/Geomatics
3. General Status and Items from Conference XLIV
3.1. TC-API
Work on JSCalendar and related JSxxx documents is progressing very well. Work on contact-related stuff in TC 211 and vCard has to be kept aligned and moving forward,, probably via JSContacts. See references under other TCs to JMAP and JSCalendar/ Contacts/etc.
Register MIME-type so a config could be email/etc and opening the attachment triggers the client(s) to be configured. Others are very interested in the work.
Scheduling on Shared Calendars: We believe that Apple use Calendar User Proxy (calendar-proxy capability) for handling secretary mode. Team sharing mode simply acts on behalf of the principal associated with that instance of the calendar
JMAP Calendars: Several edits to be made based on discussions.
VPOLL: Update draft using PARTICIPANT component rather than VVOTER component. Split BASIC mode specific bits into their own section describing BASIC mode. Publish this draft ASAP unless we think we can add new poll mode(s) quickly.
Second poll mode would be SIGNUP mode where a bunch of tasks need to be handled and voters choose 1 or more that they are willing to complete (e.g. preparing for and/or bringing items for a dinner party)
Third poll mode would be the case of asking dentist office (or hairdresser or automotive garage) for available time slots for a procedure
Server-side subscriptions: Compare/contrast current draft with Apple telemetry.
VALARM Extensions: Add RELATED-TO back in. Add text on security considerations of proximity alarms.
Working on developing a relative date/time notation based on ISO grammar. Also would like to come up with a way to tag date/time values with calendar system, time system, and time zone id. Working on human representation. Decide to create proposals for ISO/TC 154 plenary.
Writing conversion system codes. Moving forward, will be the third pillar of the trio of ISO 639 (language codes), ISO 15924 (script codes) and ISO 24229 (writing conversion system codes). Romanization of Cantonese will be re-balloted for participation. Name model proceeding in ISO/TC 37 pending ballot. Will accelerate solicitation/completion of cultural profiles
3.6. TC-PUSH
Ask Chair to do the split of the draft and update with RFC 8030 references where needed. Interest in writing a server implementations, but is there any realistic chance of more client support? Need someone to review authentication/security. Align with Open-Xchange work on IMAP WebPush.
Define ‘client’ early in charter. Deal with interoperability issues — more work on CalDAV tester. Links to client libraries..
There was some discussion on incentives (reduced participant fee) for Open Source developers at Zürich conference. Also an interesting point regarding to try draw audience from the scientific community (e.g., inviting for scientific/industry paper submissions related to CalConnect topics) Decided to rename TC to TC-CLIENT
JSContacts: Discussion about how best to do localizations. 2 different approaches. This will probably be hashed out in IETF JMAP WG once accepted
No support for non-Westernized addresses yet. Specification of Groups needs more work
Document models: Lightweight document model for Markdown, AsciiDoc, RTF as interchangeable rich text’
Location vCard: Metadata for a location. vCard already contains “kind: location”, and defined STRUCTURED-LOCATION in resource vCard work.
TC VCARD agreed to take over the joint work of OGC, ECCMA, W3C and ISO’s work on POI (point of interest) and develop with them as partners
Enumerate use cases for industries: maps, navigation, travel, theme parks
Will define method of place identification, including ISO 19155 (place identifier), ECCMA/OGC NLI (ECCMA 1 standard)
Find additional collaborators: IATA, UN (for LOCODE).
Standardized profile and digital addresses proceeding.
4. Joint Working Group Calls
The joint working group calls with IETF CALEXT and ISO/TC 154/WG 5 went very well.
5. Plenary Meeting
CalConnect will hold two rather than three events in 2020: a spring event in April and an autumn event in late September/early October.
Interest in being involved in creating the scheduling agenda for future events; we plan to distribute the calls to meeting for Event Planning to the general calconnect-l mailing list and post event reports etc. on that list as well to try and get additional and early involvement, beginning with Event Planning calls in November for CalConnect XLVII.
6. Confirmed Future Events
Cronofy will host CalConnect XLVII on April 20-24, 2020 in Nottingham, United Kingdom.
CalConnect XLVIII will be in Autumn 2020, host, location and exact dates TBD.
7. Pictures from CalConnect XLVI
There were no pictures available from CalConnect XLVI.