This document provides terms and definitions used in calendar and scheduling standards. It complements ISO 34000 by providing specialized terminology for calendaring operations, scheduling, consensus building, and temporal relationships.
The Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium (“CalConnect”) is a global non-profit organization with the aim to facilitate interoperability of collaborative technologies and tools through open standards.
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee CALENDAR.
This document provides terms and definitions used in calendar and scheduling standards.
This document complements ISO 34000:2023 by providing specialized terminology for calendaring operations, scheduling, consensus building, and temporal relationships.
This document is created to succeed and supersede corresponding terms in CC/R 1102:2013 and CalConnect DevGuide Glossary, but does not replace their terms that are not defined in this document.
Calendaring and scheduling — Vocabulary
1. Scope
This document defines terms used in calendar and scheduling standards, focusing on concepts related to:
time management
time allocation
event management
time coordination
2. Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1. Core concepts
NOTE These terms define the fundamental concepts of calendaring and scheduling.
3.1.1. calendaring
systematic management of events (Clause 3.3.1) and their associated information
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.1.2. calendar system
method for organizing and tracking events (Clause 3.3.1) using defined rules and structures
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.1.3. scheduling
process of coordinating events (Clause 3.3.1) among participants (Clause 3.2.1) and resources (Clause 3.9.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.1.4. schedule
organized collection of events (Clause 3.3.1) with assigned times
3.1.5. calendar user
person who accesses or modifies calendar information
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.2. Participant concepts
NOTE These terms describe the entities involved in calendar operations.
3.2.1. participant
entity involved in calendar operations
Note 1 to entry: Can be a person, resource, or system
3.2.2. organizer
participant (Clause 3.2.1) responsible for creating and managing events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.2.3. attendee
participant (Clause 3.2.1) invited to or participating in an event (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.2.4. delegate
participant (Clause 3.2.1) authorized to act on behalf of another participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.2.5. delegator
participant (Clause 3.2.1) who transfers participation rights to a delegate (Clause 3.2.4)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.2.6. delegatee
participant (Clause 3.2.1) who receives participation rights from a delegator (Clause 3.2.5)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.3. Event concepts
NOTE These terms define the basic elements of calendar entries.
3.3.1. event
time-bound activity or occurrence in a calendar system (Clause 3.1.2)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.3.2. location
place where an event (Clause 3.3.1) occurs
3.3.3. event duration
scheduled duration of an event (Clause 3.3.1)
3.3.4. event type
classification of calendar entry
3.3.5. public event
event (Clause 3.3.1) meant to be distributed to a defined or undefined group of participants (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.3.6. recurrence
repeating pattern of an event (Clause 3.3.1)
3.3.7. recurring event
event (Clause 3.3.1) that repeats according to a specified pattern
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.3.8. event instance
single occurrence of a recurring event (Clause 3.3.7)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.3.9. event sequence
ordered series of calendar entries
3.3.10. event spacing
time between scheduled events
Note 1 to entry: Defines intentional gaps between calendar entries.
3.4. Time management
NOTE These terms describe how time is managed and allocated.
3.4.1. free time
period when a participant (Clause 3.2.1) or resource (Clause 3.9.1) is available for scheduling
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.4.2. busy time
period when a participant (Clause 3.2.1) or resource (Clause 3.9.1) is unavailable for scheduling
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.4.3. tentative time
period when a participant (Clause 3.2.1) or resource (Clause 3.9.1) is potentially available pending confirmation
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.4.4. buffer time
planned gap between events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.4.5. preparation window
scheduled time before an event for setup or preparation
3.4.6. transition duration
scheduled time after an event for wrap-up or travel
3.4.7. journal entry
descriptive notes associated with a calendar date
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.5. Calendar organization
NOTE These terms describe how calendars are structured and managed.
3.5.1. calendar collection
grouping of calendar objects sharing common access control (Clause 3.7.1) and properties
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.5.2. calendar store
repository containing multiple calendar collections (Clause 3.5.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.5.3. calendar service
application providing access to calendar stores (Clause 3.5.2)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.5.4. calendar user agent
software that interacts with calendar services (Clause 3.5.3) on behalf of a participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.6. Calendar types
NOTE These terms describe different types of calendars based on their usage and accessibility.
3.6.1. personal calendar
calendar containing events (Clause 3.3.1) accessible primarily to its owner
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
calendar accessible to multiple participants (Clause 3.2.1) with defined permissions (Clause 3.7.2)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.6.3. public calendar
calendar intentionally made available to undefined users or groups
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.6.4. subscribed calendar
calendar that receives updates from a published source
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7. Access control
NOTE These terms describe how access to calendar information is managed.
3.7.1. access control
system enabling authorities to manage access to calendar entities
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.2. access permission
specific right granted for calendar operations
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.3. access scope
range of calendar operations permitted to a participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.4. access rights
collection of access permissions (Clause 3.7.2) granted to a participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.5. viewing permission
access permission (Clause 3.7.2) to see calendar information
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.6. scheduling permission
access permission (Clause 3.7.2) to create or modify calendar entries
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.7. administrative permission
access permission (Clause 3.7.2) with full system control rights
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.7.8. access control list
list of access control elements defining permissions for calendar entities
Note 1 to entry: Used in WebDAV context for defining access control.
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.8. Event states and properties
NOTE These terms describe the various states and attributes of events.
3.8.1. event status
current state of an event (Clause 3.3.1)
Note 1 to entry: Common states include confirmed, tentative, and cancelled
3.8.2. event priority
relative importance assigned to an event (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.8.3. transparency
property indicating whether an event (Clause 3.3.1) affects free time (Clause 3.4.1) calculations
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.8.4. visibility level
degree of calendar detail shown to participants (Clause 3.2.1)
3.9. Resource management
NOTE These terms describe how schedulable resources are managed.
3.9.1. resource
schedulable entity that can be reserved for an event (Clause 3.3.1)
Note 1 to entry: Can be physical (room, equipment) or virtual (conference bridge)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.2. resource type
classification of resource (Clause 3.9.1)
Note 1 to entry: Common types include location, equipment, and role
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.3. resource capacity
maximum simultaneous usage limit of a resource (Clause 3.9.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.4. resource availability
state of a resource (Clause 3.9.1) being free for scheduling
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.5. admittance info
information required to gain access to a resource (Clause 3.9.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.6. inventory info
information about additional resources (Clause 3.9.1) available as part of a resource (Clause 3.9.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.7. multiple bookings
number of simultaneous reservations allowed for a resource (Clause 3.9.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.9.8. booking window
time period during which a resource (Clause 3.9.1) can be reserved
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.10. Event operations
NOTE These terms describe actions that can be performed on events.
3.10.1. event publication
process of distributing public event (Clause 3.3.5) information
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.10.2. schedule confirmation
definitive commitment to an event (Clause 3.3.1) time
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.10.3. event cancellation
withdrawal of a scheduled event (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.10.4. schedule update
modification to an existing event (Clause 3.3.1)
3.11. Scheduling operations
NOTE These terms describe the process of coordinating events among participants.
3.11.1. consensus scheduling
process whereby multiple participants (Clause 3.2.1) reach agreement on event (Clause 3.3.1) timing through collaborative evaluation
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.11.2. autoschedule
automatic acceptance of event (Clause 3.3.1) invitations without human intervention
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.11.3. scheduling delegation
transfer of scheduling permissions (Clause 3.7.6) to another participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.11.4. scheduling restriction
limitation on when or how scheduling can occur
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.11.5. scheduling requirement
condition that must be met for successful scheduling
3.12. Scheduling responses
NOTE These terms describe how participants respond to scheduling requests.
3.12.1. counter
response proposing changes to an event (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.12.2. request
invitation or query for calendar operations
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.12.3. RSVP
indication of expected reply from a participant (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.12.4. response status
current state of a participant’s (Clause 3.2.1) reply to an invitation
3.13. Calendar relationships
NOTE These terms describe how calendars and events relate to each other.
3.13.1. schedule dependency
connection between related calendar events
Note 1 to entry: Shows how events affect each other’s timing
3.13.2. schedule cascade
chain reaction of calendar changes
Note 1 to entry: Series of updates triggered by single schedule change
3.13.3. schedule overlap
shared time between calendar entries
Note 1 to entry: Indicates when events occur simultaneously
3.13.4. schedule conflict
overlap between two or more events involving competing demands
3.14. Calendar synchronization
NOTE These terms describe how calendar information is kept consistent across systems.
3.14.1. schedule synchronization
alignment of calendar information across calendar systems (Clause 3.1.2)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.14.2. calendar subscription
automated receipt of calendar updates
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.14.3. sync frequency
rate at which synchronization occurs between calendar stores (Clause 3.5.2)
3.14.4. sync validation
verification of synchronization accuracy between calendar systems
3.15. Calendar sharing
NOTE These terms describe how calendar information is distributed to others.
3.15.1. publish
make calendar information available to specified participants (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
extent of calendar information shared with others
3.15.3. sharing permission
specific rights granted for shared calendar access
3.15.4. sharing method
mechanism for making calendar information available to others
3.16. Calendar automation
NOTE These terms describe automated calendar processes.
3.16.1. autoconfiguration
process of automatically setting up calendar client settings
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.16.2. autodiscovery
automatic detection of available calendar services and their configurations
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.16.3. auto-scheduling
automatic processing of scheduling requests based on defined rules
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.16.4. auto-response
automated reply to calendar requests based on predefined criteria
3.17. Information management
NOTE These terms describe how calendar information is tracked and maintained.
3.17.1. schedule version
numbered iteration of a calendar entry
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.17.2. calendar snapshot
point-in-time view of scheduled events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.17.3. retention period
timeframe for maintaining calendar records
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.17.4. schedule archive
historical calendar records preservation
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.18. Calendar notifications
NOTE These terms describe how calendar changes are communicated.
3.18.1. schedule notification
alert about calendar changes
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.18.2. alarm
reminder mechanism for events (Clause 3.3.1)
Note 1 to entry: Can take various forms such as email, sound, or visual alert
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.18.3. notification scope
range of participants (Clause 3.2.1) receiving calendar alerts
3.18.4. notification method
mechanism for delivering calendar alerts
3.19. Calendar queries
NOTE These terms describe how calendar information can be searched and filtered.
3.19.1. availability check
search for free time (Clause 3.4.1) periods
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.19.2. schedule filter
criteria for selecting specific events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.19.3. booking constraint
requirement or limitation on scheduling events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.19.4. recurring pattern
specification of how events (Clause 3.3.1) repeat over time
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.20. Calendar attachments
NOTE These terms describe documents and files associated with calendar entries.
3.20.1. attachment
document object associated with a calendar component
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.20.2. managed attachment
attachment (Clause 3.20.1) stored and managed on a calendar service (Clause 3.5.3)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.20.3. attachment type
classification of content associated with calendar objects
3.20.4. attachment scope
visibility and accessibility settings for attachments (Clause 3.20.1)
3.21. Schedule templates
NOTE These terms describe standardized formats for calendar entries.
3.21.1. schedule template
standardized format for creating events (Clause 3.3.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
3.21.2. template scope
range of calendar entries covered by a template
3.21.3. template inheritance
transfer of template properties to new calendar entries
3.21.4. template restriction
limitation on template usage
3.22. Calendar accessibility
NOTE These terms describe how calendar systems accommodate different user needs.
3.22.1. accessibility
information about resource (Clause 3.9.1) access for physically disabled participants (Clause 3.2.1)
[SOURCE: CC/R 1102:2013]
[1] CC/R 1102:2013, Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms V2.2 (CD 1102).
[2] CalConnect DevGuide Glossary, CalConnect. Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms. 2022.
[3] ISO 34000:2023, International Organization for Standardization. Date and time — Vocabulary. First edition. 2023. Geneva.